Wyness boosts her potential on two wheels

Wyness’ journey illustrates exactly what kind of potential women on two wheels have to effect transformative change.

Wyness, a 56-year-old businesswoman in Malawi, grows her own vegetables, including maize, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and beans, that she sells at the local market. When her harvest is not good, Wyness sources vegetables to sell from local small-scale farmers in her community.

The journey to her plot, located 10 kms from home, takes her almost two hours one way. Hiring a motorcycle taxi, which she often had to do to spare herself the long walk to market, cost her about US$2 each way.  

Then, in 2021, through World Bicycle Relief’s Mobilized Communities program, the local Bicycle Supervisory Committee recognized Wyness’ hard work and selected her to receive a Buffalo Bicycle to help her boost her business and earning potential.

Now, with the help of her two wheels, Wyness can easily travel to her plot of land in just 40 minutes, harvesting crops and transporting them to market. She also uses her bike to order and collect the additional produce from local farmers.  

Because the bicycle can carry a heavy load, she is able to source more vegetables and has more to sell. Another bonus is that with the bicycle, Wyness arrives at the gardens early and secures the best quality and freshest vegetables, leading to a further boom in her business. Since receiving her bicycle, her income has increased from approximately US$6 to US$10.

Additionally, her community has also seen a benefit from Wyness’ bicycle. The better her business does, the more she orders from other farmers in the area – which improves their incomes too.  

Apart from using the bicycle for business activities, Wyness also participates in more community activities such as the monthly Savings and Loan Group meetings. The bike also helps with household chores, and her family uses it to fetch water and go to the maize mill. 

“The bicycle is a good bicycle. It is a reliable bicycle,” says Wyness. “I always wanted to have one, and it was just out of reach. I am so grateful. It is such a great asset in my household, which is not only changing my life but that of my family and my community.

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